TypoSoil Handbook
2015-03-24Consult TypoSoil Handbook via this link
TypoSoil® System arrives to Scoates 221
New publication with TypoSoil device
News TypoSoil publications

TypoSoil® training at IRD Bondy France
2013-12-04TypoSoil® training at IRD Bondy France, December 4-5, 2013
TypoSoil® at the 18th international conference, Paris, France
2013-09-02You can show TypoSoil® at the 18th international conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, September 2-6, 2013, Paris, France

TypoSoil® in SOLSCOPE exhibition, Beaune, France.
2013-03-27Discover TypoSoil® in SOLSCOPE exhibition, geotechnical engineering professionals meeting, March 27-28, 2013 Beaune, France.